Tutoriales gratis de After Effects en vídeo de básico a avanzado, ¡más de 170!



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Tutoriales de After Effects

Si te gusta la edición de vídeo y la postproducción con efectos visuales, aquí tienes 175 tutoriales de After Effects gratis en vídeo paso a paso.

After Effects es uno de los editores de vídeo para la creación de efectos visuales más conocidos del mundo.

Desarrollado por Adobe, firma de los programas Photoshop, Illustrator o IndeSign, este software permite crear animaciones y efectos increíbles que muchas veces vemos en las pantallas de los cines.

Para quién no sepa en qué consiste Adobe After Effects os comentamos que se trata de un software enfocado a la creación de una composición en movimiento generado y compuesto por efectos especiales y grafismos en el video.

Por lo tanto, Adobe After Effects es uno los softwares basado en la línea de tiempo más potentes que existe en el mercado junto con Autodesk Combustion y Eyeon Fusion, ¿los conoces?

Una de las grandes fortalezas de After Effects es que existen muchos plugins que puedes instalar y que te ayudarán a aligerar el trabajo repetitivo y continuo en lo que los efectos especiales se refiere.

Las últimas versiones de este software de animación han mejorado su capacidad para manejar archivos de video y gráficos en diferentes formatos.

Por otro lado, la interfaz gráfica de Adobe After Effects resulta muy familiar a muchos editores dedicados a la post-producción, ya que comparte similar distribución y eso hace que sea el programa escogido por muchos profesionales del sector.

After Effects está dirigio tanto a diseñadores gráficos como a productores de vídeo y profesionales en el entorno de multimedia.
No obstante, si eres un aficionado que empieza en este sector y te gusta el mundo del vídeo y la animación con efectos, puedes aprender After Effects con estos tutoriales, poco a poco a tu ritmo.

Tutoriales de After Effects Gratis

A continuación puedes acceder a cada uno de los tutoriales de After Effects seleccionando el vídeo que te interese.

Animaciones básicas

Tutorial After Effects Entre Partículas

Tutorial After Effects Light Streaks Español

Tutorial After Effecst Lluvia de Partículas 3D Trapcode Particular

Tutorial After Effects Colas de Luz (Particular espectacular)

Tutorial After Effects Corrección de Color Iniciación profesional

Tutorial After Effects Nieve lluvia fluídos 3D

Tutorial After Effects Eliminar Ruido

Tutorial After Effects disparos láser + humo

Tutorial After Effects Estabilizar Vídeo

Tutorial After Effects hacer Vídeo 3D (Gafas rojo y azul)

Tutorial After Effetcs Motion Tracking Español

Tutorial After Effects Cambiar color interfaz a oscuro Dark

Tutorial After Effects: Hinchar cabeza

Tutorial After effects Retroceso (Vídeo hacia detrás)

P2 Tutorial After Effects Plugins Trapcode (Lux, Shine, 3D Stroke)

P1 Tutorial After Effects Plugins Trapcode (Particular)

Tutorial After Effects Desaparecer

Tutorial Cámara lenta After Effects Español

Tutorial After Effects Demon Face Español P.2

Tutorial After Effects Demon Face Español P.1

Tutorial Clon After Effects

Tutorial After Effects Spot Publicitario Increíble

Tutorial After Effects P.3 Maestros del Tiempo (Freeze Time)

Tutorial After Effects P.2 Maestros del Tiempo (Perfeccionamiento Remapeo de Tiempo)

Tutorial After Effects P.1 Presentación Imágenes en 3D

Tutorial After Effects P.1 Maestros del Tiempo (Remapeo de Tiempo)

Tutorial After Effects Garras Lobezno

Tutorial After Effects Imágenes de 2D a 3D

Tutorial After Effects Herramienta Ubicación de Posición Libre

Tutorial After Effects Principiantes P.2

Tutorial After Effects Principiantes P.1

Tutorial After Effects Correr

Tutorial After Effects Temblor

Tutorial After Effects Pintar

Tutorial After Effects P2: En vez de After Effects (Mocha: para tracks perfectos)

Tutorial After Effects Reflejo en ojo

Tutorial After Effects Exportar con Calidad

Tutorial Adobe Soundbooth Introducción desde 0 principiantes

Tutorial After Effects Exportar con Calidad

Tutorial After Effects P.2 Presentación Imágenes en 3D

Tutorial After Effects P.3 Presentación Imágenes en 3D

Tutorial After Effects P.1 Presentación telarañas 3D

Tutorial After Effects P.4 Presentación Imágenes en 3D

Tutorial After Effects Herramienta Ubicación de Posición Libre

Tutorial After Effects Animación de Texto

Tutorial After Effects Niebla

Tutorial After Effects Opciones Ocultas

Tutorial After Effects Plugins Zaxwerks

Tutorial After Effects Light Streaks Español

Tutoriales de After Effects Gratis Avanzados

Si quieres aprender a manejar Adobe After Effects en Formación Online te lo ponemos muy fácil.

Consulta la lista de más de 125 tutoriales gratis y online de After Effects Avanzado que hemos preparado para ti, y que sólo debes pinchar sobre ellos para verlo y consultarlo.

Los tutoriales están en inglés pero no tienes que preocuparte. Puedes ponerle la opción de subtítulos y además, con las capturas de pantalla que ofrecen podrás seguir el tutorial sin problemas.

Además, también puedes consultar nuestros cursos gratis de inglés para poder seguir las clases a la vez que aprendes un idioma.

Interesante, ¿verdad?

Custom splits using Regular Expressions

Isolate a Single Word in a Text Layer



Creating High Quality LEGO Stop Motion Videos

BeatMarkers for After Effects with BeatEdit for Premiere Pro

Snappable Isometric Grids in After Effects with GridGuide

Automatic Walk Cycles in Ae with DuiK and iExpressions

GridGuide for Ae Tutorial 5 – Power User Workflow Tips

GridGuide for Ae Tutorial 4 – Alignment to Grids

GridGuide for Ae Tutorial 3 – Creating Snappable Guides

GridGuide for Ae Tutorial 2 – Creating Grids

GridGuide for Ae Tutorial 1 – Automatic Layout

1 Minute Tutorial: BeatMatching – Better Audio Transitions with Adobe Premiere Pro

No, Beats are Not at Peaks!

Making Keyframes Loop Seamlessly in After Effects

Adobe Premiere Pro CC tutorial for better audio transitions

AE Tracking and Roto Tips Part 3: Quick and Easy Rotoscoping Workflow

AE Tracking and Roto Tips Part 2: Rotoscoping with Motion Blur

AE Tracking and Roto Tips Part 1: Tracking Occluded Objects with mocha

Beauty Retouch in AE Part 4: Effective Face Tracking with the Mask Tracker

Beauty Retouch in AE Part 3: Digital Make-up

Beauty Retouch in AE Part 2: Wrinkle and Blemish Removal

Beauty Retouch in AE Part 1: Detail-preserving Skin Smoothing with Free Plugin

Beauty Retouch in AE – Overview

How to refine and correct a mask tracked with the Mask Tracker of After Effects

How to modify lots of keyframes at once with KeyTweak for After Effects

BeatEdit for Premiere Pro – Tutorial 3: Fine-tuning Automatic Edits

BeatEdit for Premiere Pro – Tutorial 2: Manual Editing

BeatEdit for Premiere Pro – Tutorial 1: Automatic Edits In Sync with the Music

Parallax Effect for Scrolling 2D Backgrounds – After Effects Character Animation Part 8

Secondary Animations – After Effects Character Animation Part 7

Baby Buggy Wiggle – After Effects Character Animation Part 6

Rotating Wheels – After Effects Character Animation Part 5

Zorro the Layer Tagger – After Effects Character Animation Part 4

Automated Walk Cycle – After Effects Character Animation Part 3

Skinning with the Puppet Tool – After Effects Character Animation Part 2

Automatic Walk Cycle for 2D Characters

Creating the Skeleton – After Effects Character Animation Part 1

U.F.Oh Yeah Paint: How to Stabilize and Roto Paint in Nuke using Mocha Pro and mochaImport+

Clean Plate Workflow with MochaImport+ «Keep Current Frame» Option

Using MochaImport+ with NUKE’s built-in planar tracker

Card Dance Effect with mocha and After Effects

MochaImport+ for AE Mini Tutorial 6: Create AE Trackpoints

MochaImport+ for AE Mini Tutorial 5: Stabilized Precomp

MochaImport+ for AE Mini Tutorial 4: Stabilize

MochaImport+ for AE Mini Tutorial 3: Move Properties

MochaImport+ for AE Mini Tutorial 2: Move Layers

MochaImport+ for AE Mini Tutorial 1: Corner Pin

Advanced Screen Insert Corner Pin with mocha and After Effects

Add a logo to the surface of a moving balloon

Efficient rotoscoping in After Effects with stabilized precomps and the mask tracker

Text2Spreadsheet – simplify your After Effects Text Workflows

AE Mask Tracker – handling foreground elements

Beauty Retouch in NUKE with SplineWarp+ and Stabilized Views

Relative File Path for NUKE

Efficient rotoscoping using the mask tracker with few keyframes

MaskTracker+ in depth tutorial

How to change the tracking region over time in MaskTracker+

MaskTracker+ solutions for the constant vertex count issue

Stabilize Shaky Footage with MaskTracker+

MochaImport+ for NUKE – live webinar recording

Science Fiction User Interface with iExpressions

mamoworld & SLGH at NAB 2014

MochaImport+ for NUKE in depth tutorial

Markers for Sure Target and More

Automatic Christmas Cards

Build Me Some Hope: Using MamoWorld’s Auto Lip-Sync

Elastic Animations with Expressions

Camera Expressions – Auto Focus and more

Puppet Animation with IK Expressions

mocha live training recorded at IBC tradeshow

CINEWARE proxy – Getting Started

Behind The Scenes: What my Dog Thinks About Creative Cloud

Learn mocha AE – Online Training Webinar

Reveal After Effects CC – Part 1 : The Warp Stabilizer VFX

Reveal After Effects CC – Part 2: The Refine Edge Tool

Reveal After Effects CC – Part 3: Improvements of the Camera Tracker

Reveal After Effects CC – Part 4 : Cinema 4D Lite Integration 1

Reveal After Effects CC – Part 5: Cinema 4D Lite Integration 2

Start your day with After Effects

Guru Lesson 5 – Bluescreen Keying and nested Compositions

Turning a Bathroom Wall into a Tetris Game – part 1

Turning a Bathroom Wall into a Tetris Game – part 2

Auto Lip-Sync: How to replace the audio after creating the mouth rig

How to use Orient World in AE with the mocha Camera Solver

Orient World with ShapeShifter AE, Element 3D and other plugins

3D Superman Logo in After Effects

Setting the Ground Plane in AE – Getting started with Orient World

Getting started with Beat Assistant

How we created Robin, the talking Chipmunk

Talking Tree with Auto Lip-Sync – Easy Lip-Sync in AE

Futuristic Finger Screen Part 2 – Shatter the Glass Screen

Futuristic Finger Screen Part 1 – Corner Pin with mocha

Guru Lesson 4 – Color Correction and the Curves Effect

Guru Lesson 3 – Masks and Adjustment Layers

Guru Lesson 2 – Effects and Keyframes

Guru Lesson 1 – Getting Started with After Effects

Getting started with MochaImport+

Graffiti becomes Alive

Intro with Trapcode 3D Stroke

Create a Kick Drum Kinetic Type Animation

Creating Ultra-Smooth Pans with Mocha and After Effects

Skating Logo in After Effects with Physics Simulations – Day 1

Animation to Music in After Effects – Part 3

Create a Dynamic 3D Title Intro using iExpressions and 3D Extruder

Animation to Music in After Effects – Part 1

Animation to Music in After Effects – Part 2

Convincing Pendumum Effect with iExpressions

Getting started with iExpressions Part 1 – Wiggles

Getting started with iExpressions Part 2 – Linking and Beat Detection

Getting started with iExpressions Part 3 – Random Text

Getting started with iExpressions Part 4 – Physics Simulations

Create an ugly Monster Face in After Effects

Bring your Letters to Life with KeyTweak and the Puppet Tool

Getting started with CopyMask2Layer

Creating a Logo Intro with Plexus and Expression Timeline

Modifying hundrets of Keyframes simultaneously with KeyTweak

Limit Expressions to a Range of Keyframes with Expression Timeline

WikiLeak Removal – Get your Job in Censorship Business

Cyborg Arm – the Effect for your next Action Film

Stabilize Motion Without the Need to Zoom

Advanced Compositing of an Action Scene with Explosions

Mocha Corner Pin – Part 1

Fixing Rotoscopings and Drifting Tracks with KeyTweak

Picture Frame Effect with mocha Corner Pin – part 2

Tracker2Mask – Advanced Features and Local Mask Modification

How to use Tracker2Mask to move Masks with Trackpoints

Ademas de estos tutoriales de After Effects, también puede serte útil este curso After Effects gratis en vídeo, o este otro curso de cinematografía gratis.

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